Friday, October 12, 2007

to the second power

this post is about dsquared's lines. i was just looking and the show had more dressy pieces to bathing suits. every outfit was well planned, and it looked amazing.
Starting off the show if Rihanna. I am glad that someone other than a uber skinny model is in the show. Well, there is good publicity for all of them. but im not getting into that.
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i an 80's bathing suit, with the same cute, but a little more modernized.
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i love this dress.
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the cut and the ruffles of this dress make is adorable.
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the jacket and dress go perfectly
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this bathing suit is aweoms! i love the top part with the ruffles.
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nothing to say about how amazing this is.
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Z said...

that fifth picture is perfection, i love the gold beads.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

They did such an amazing job with the swim wear, they really know how to dress a womans body, go dean and dan!

sophie said...

i love the third dress, the neckline is adorable.

Moose on the Loose said...

DSquared makes such HOT clothes. It was cool how Rihanna started out the show-she looked so good in that black dress.

Anonymous said...

i really like the ruffly dress. cute!

Molly :] said...

i watched the show on Vogue video, and it was amazing, the clothes were all beautiful.
Exchange links?

Flavia Flanders said...

hey this place is really cute..
oh i love rihanna.. she looks amazing!!

maverickandlove said...

i like the whites!